As we enter the holiday season with COVID-19 on our heel, what better time to arm yourselves with some new tools so when this ordeal settles, you are off and running strong.
As tennis parents, we all have an idea in our heads about how things are supposed to be, how coaching should look like, how our kids should look on the court, which program is best for them. And we all get frustrated when things don't play out the way we expect them to. We expect the coaches to take our children under their wings and give them their full attention, our children to perform fearlessly, train with players who will push them to get better, and so forth.
And when our expectations fall short, we get frustrated, angry, disappointed, etc. We change coach, program, environment, and spend umpteenth money, but you still feel stuck. So what can you do about this?
Here's the mindset I've been cultivating and advocating:
To have the right state of mind.To pinpoint what triggers pressure.To manage the anxiety level.To use the right tactics and strategies style of play.To create the right support system.To thrive from less than perfect.To coach players to coach themself.To coach parents to help their children.To get the most out of a coach.To get the best coaching.
And that's why I do these workshops, to share my tennis rich experiences from over forty years. To guide you, shed light on parents' common issues, and, more importantly, give you tools to help your children. When this pandemic becomes a thing of the past and tournaments resume, you will be glad you came to this workshop—preparing while everyone is waiting. Let's do this together! It starts tomorrow, so register now.